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Ramsgate estate treated "like a jungle gym" by nuisance youngsters

Unruly youths are said to be using an estate "like a jungle gym" after two boys were photographed sitting on the roof of a four-storey building.

Concerned Laura Chapman snapped the pair perched atop the block of flats in Prestedge Avenue, Ramsgate, where she says residents' lives are being made a misery by nuisance youngsters.

The mum-of-two says children in the area have also scaled balconies, "decimated" a fence which has been repeatedly climbed on, and play knock-down ginger late at night.

This comes as Thanet District Council bosses vow to investigate reports of anti-social behaviour in the area - having already probed cases reported to it earlier this year.

Ms Chapman told KentOnline: "They are climbing on the roof and on the balconies like it’s a jungle gym, all over the bin shed roof.

"It was only recently that a metal gate was put up on the bin shed because they absolutely decimated the side fence.

"I have lived in this house for 10 years and it has gone downhill quite quickly here - it used to be really nice."

Ms Chapman says she experiences regular disturbances at her home.

She says her front door has been repeatedly banged on by groups knocking late at night and running away, while neighbours have had property damaged and condoms placed on their door handles.

The stay-at-home mum has also been the target of vile abuse by gangs roaming the area.

The balconies the youngsters were seen climbing on the Ramsgate estate
The balconies the youngsters were seen climbing on the Ramsgate estate

She has had to fork out for CCTV, install bird spikes on part of her fence and been forced to lock her front garden gate due to the anti-social behaviour.

She also no longer allows her children to play outside for fear they may be targeted by rowdy groups.

"My kids can’t stay out because they won’t leave them alone," Ms Chapman added.

"They roam around all hours of the day from 8am or 9am until half-nine at night.

"Most nights they’re out running around and causing havoc.

"It has had a big impact on us."

Officials from the local authority say they received reports of anti-social behaviour in Prestedge Avenue earlier this year.

Council workers made contact with residents and teamed up "with partner agencies to take action against the people causing problems".

"After we intervened, the situation improved," an authority spokesman added.

"As a result we agreed to close the case.

"We will now contact local residents for a full picture of the situation, and if necessary, take further action to address the anti-social behaviour."

Insp Ian Swallow of Kent Police says "no one should accept abusive and nuisance behaviour".

He added: "Although anti-social behaviour is committed by a small minority of people, we understand the wide-reaching impact it has on the local community and quality of life for residents.

"That is why our officers regularly work with partner agencies to focus on the cause of any issues and look to solve the problems, as well as dealing with the people responsible.

"It is important that anyone affected contacts the force so we can build up a picture of any issues and take the necessary action."

Insp Swallow is urging residents to reports incidents to them by calling 101 or by visiting www.kent.police.uk/ro/report/asb/asb/report-antisocial-behaviour.

If a crime in progress, always call 999.

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