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Protecting wildlife from vandals who dump cars

PC TIM HARRIS: "We simply will not tolerate this anti-social behaviour"
PC TIM HARRIS: "We simply will not tolerate this anti-social behaviour"

POLICE officers have been working in partnership with Medway council and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in a bid to take action against people who abandon vehicles at Cliffe Marshes, near Rochester.

Neighbourhood Officer PC Tim Harris has been regularly liaising with the organisations in order to prosecute those who abandon and set fire to cars in the area.

As a result, four males have been summoned to court for abandoning a vehicle in open land and several driving offences.

The incident is reported to have occurred on February 21 when a Vauxhall Nova was found dumped and burnt out.

The males, all local and aged between 16 and 24, are to appear before Medway magistrates.

PC Harris said: "This action enforces our message that we will work with our partners to catch those who put both people and the local wildlife in danger by burning out cars.

"Not only do these vehicles pose an eyesore, but they also harm the natural environment and we simply will not tolerate this anti-social behaviour."

Paul Hyde, RSPB warden for Cliffe Pools, said: "Cliffe Pools is a fantastic place for wildlife and a great place for visitors and local people alike to get out enjoy the countryside.

"Most people recognise this and we will continue to work in partnership with the police in their efforts to ensure that the area remains a safe haven and is not ruined for all by a few selfish individuals."

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