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Neighbour-from-hell Daniel Patrick wages hate campaign

Maidstone crown court
Maidstone crown court

Maidstone crown court, where Patrick's case was held

by Keith Hunt

A teenager who waged a year-long campaign of terror against his next-door neighbours has been sentenced to three-and-a-half years youth custody.

Neighbour-from-hell Daniel Patrick’s bizarre behaviour included him taking off his clothes and running around after he fled from an attack on the home of Atakan and Ozlem Duru.

The 19-year-old, of Kinross Close, Walderslade, denied arson and attempted arson but was convicted in July. He was acquitted of attempted arson with intent to endanger life.

He admitted two assault charges and affray.

Maidstone Crown Court heard the Turkish couple’s car was set alight outside their house in Cunningham Crescent, Chatham, in September 2010. It scorched the wall of the home.

The culprit was not identified at the time but more incidents followed.

“They involved bizarre and disturbing behaviour,” said prosecutor John O’Higgins.

“He demonstrated aggression against the Duru family. It had the common characteristic of involvement with fire.”

In the second incident on February 26 last year, Mr Duru saw Patrick, then 17, outside his house holding a flaming bottle resembling a molotov cocktail. A petrol can was on the step.

On October 10, the family was awoken by Patrick banging on the door shouting: “Get out, get out, gas leak. Get the children out.”

The youth, who had been drinking heavily, grabbed Mr and Mrs Duru and pulled them out of the house.

“His behaviour was bizarre and completely out of control,” said Mr O’Higgins. “He took his clothes off and ran around in his underpants.”

Mr O’Higgins said when Patrick appeared for sentence that the victims had to move home as a result of Patrick’s campaign.

Alexia Zimbler, defending, said Patrick’s difficulties gave him a skewed view of what was going on when he took it out on the Duru family.

“He felt aggrieved because he felt he was being blamed for what was going on,” she said. “His mindset crystalised in the wrong way. He accepts there is no excuse."

“He has made a real effort to show the person who behaved in this way is no longer there.”

Patrick sought help for both anger management and his alcohol problem.

“He has had to grow up very quickly,” said Miss Zimbler. “He has said: ‘I have been an idiot. I have not told the truth and now I am going to tell the truth.’"

Judge Philip Statman said Mr and Mrs Duru were absolutely petrified after their car was torched.

“All these matters weigh heavily with me,” said the judge. “There is no way I could possibly consider suspending a sentence of custody. That would be wholly wrong and unduly lenient.

“The Duro family has suffered greatly. They are uppermost in my mind. They have done absolutely nothing to you which explained an attack of this kind.”

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