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Asbestos found at power plant 'safe'

KINGSNORTH power station, near Rochester, was operating normally again today after it was shut down following an asbestos scare.

About 10 employees were evacuated from the plant after staff discovered a suspicious powder in the control room.

All four generating units were shut following the discovery at around 3pm yesterday and teams of specialists worked through the night to identify the powder.

Specialists confirmed the fibrous substance was asbestos but were satisfied the small levels were within safe working limits.

The control room was re-opend at 2.10am and staff were able to resume work in all four generating units at around 3am.

A worker, who did not want to be named, said: “It is thought the powder came in to the control room through air vents in the walls and ceiling. Many people were wearing protective clothing and breathing appartus.”

A power plant spokesperson said: “The substance was identified as asbestos but it was a very small amount which was safe for a working environment. When the discovery was made, it became our priority to evacuate the building and protect our staff.”

Power station owners assured local residents that they were not in danger.

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